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Teacher-free Feature Distillation

Self-Regulated Feature Learning via Teacher-free Feature Distillation

paper, code, Training logs & model(tffd), Poster, video,


Core Code

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

class TfFD(nn.Module):
  Teacher-free Feature Distillation
  def __init__(self, lambda_intra, lambda_inter):
    super(TfFD, self).__init__()
    self.lambda_intra = lambda_intra
    self.lambda_inter = lambda_inter
  def forward(self, f1, f2, f3):
    loss = (intra_fd(f1)+intra_fd(f2)+intra_fd(f3))*self.lambda_intra
    loss += (inter_fd(f1,f2)+inter_fd(f2,f3)+inter_fd(f1,f3))*self.lambda_intra
  def intra_fd(f_s):
    sorted_s, indices_s = torch.sort(F.normalize(f_s, p=2, dim=(2,3)).mean([0, 2, 3]), dim=0, descending=True)
    f_s = torch.index_select(f_s, 1, indices_s)
    intra_fd_loss = F.mse_loss(f_s[:, 0:f_s.shape[1]//2, :, :], f_s[:, f_s.shape[1]//2: f_s.shape[1], :, :])
    return intra_fd_loss
  def inter_fd(f_s, f_t):
    s_C, t_C, s_H, t_H = f_s.shape[1], f_t.shape[1], f_s.shape[2], f_t.shape[2]
    if s_H > t_H:
      f_s = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(f_s, (t_H, t_H))
    elif s_H < t_H:
      f_t = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(f_t, (s_H, s_H))
    inter_fd_loss = F.mse_loss(f_s[:, 0:min(s_C,t_C), :, :], f_t[:, 0:min(s_C,t_C), :, :].detach())
    return inter_fd_loss 

  return loss


    title={Self-Regulated Feature Learning via Teacher-free Feature Distillation},
    author={Lujun, Li},
    booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},

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